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AIA Intl CAU AsBEA Webinar

BIM: desafios e experiências de sucesso (BIM: Challenges and Success Cases)

May 29th, 16:00 GMT-3 (17:00 Eastern US) 
1  hour duration


Danilo Batista (host) , CAU-MG President, D&P Principal
(introduction to CAU, speakers and the subject) 5 minutes
Miriam Addor, CAU, AsBEA SP Board Member, Addor Associados Principal, BIM Consultant
(Main Keynote: BIM Challenges and Benefits) 25 minutes
Gustavo Ribeiro, AIA Intl CR, CAU Board member, AsBEA MG Board Member, Sito Arquitetura Principal (Present AIA Intl, showcase Sito Arquitetura BIM implementation) 20 minutes


The session will present, from a BIM consultant point of view and experience, what are the challenges, caveats and benefits of BIM implementation, focusing on consultants coordination use. Later an real implementation case will be shown, as an example of actual benefits and limitations of the technology applied to a firm in the Brazilian context.

Also CAU, AsBEA and AIA institutions will  be presented, along with membership benefits.

10 minutes for questions at the end.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize BIM challenges on the process of coordination and managing projects

  2. Learn BIM uses applied to project phases, focusing on consultants coordination 

  3. Learn, through real cases, how BIM is used to coordinate with consultants

  4. Learn, through real cases, how BIM implementation may impact a small firm, assessing potential benefits and obstacles.