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AIA Middle East - Designing Specific Buildings in a Globalized World

AIA Middle East - Designing Specific Buildings in a Globalized World

Presented by: Duarte Lobo Antunes

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When: Wednesday, 12 August 2020, 11:00 (Eastern US time) / 19:00 (Oman & UAE time)/ 18:00 (KSA time)

Duarte Lobo Antunes will be talking about Designing Specific Buildings in a Globalized World.

How does one design spaces that are both of their places but have universal appeal? What does it mean to be local and context-specific in a world that increasingly shares that same references? How can such a diverse studio come together to find a common language?

These are the questions that drive ACME’s thinking and designs on a daily basis and will be addressed during the webinar.

The talk will be led by Duarte Lobo Antunes, an architect at ACME.