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AIA UK - Navigating a Pathway to Net Zero

AIA UK - Navigating a Pathway to Net Zero

When: Thursday 20th May 2021 @ 12.30 - 1:30pm
Where: Online via Zoom
CES Credits - 1.0 LU/ HSW (TBC)


A renewed approach to design, operation and construction is required to meet national carbon emission reduction targets and align with industry best practice. Utilising a unique position of sitting at the heart of a large multi-disciplinary urban design practice, Lucy will provide an insight into the key components of a net zero approach in the built environment, including the experiences and challenges faced. Lucy will also discuss the definitions of a net zero carbon building and whether the β€˜net’ element gives designers and clients an offsetting get-out clause.


Lucy Townsend, MIEMA CEnv, BREEAM AP, LEED AP, WELL AP, Sustainability Associate, BDP

Moderator: Dr Mark E Breeze, AIA; AIA UK Sustainability Chair