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AIA Hong Kong - Urban Spectre - Memories and Spatial History in Hong Kong Cinema

AIA Hong Kong - Urban Spectre - Memories and Spatial History in Hong Kong Cinema

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When: Thursday 6 May 2021 @ 07:30 (Eastern US time)/ 19:30 (Hong Kong time)


In this webinar, Siu Heng and Alfred Ho will discuss how the spatial history of our city is like a ghost that still lingers within Hong Kong films.

Different kinds of living spaces were re-visited - both the physical spaces themselves and via topophilia, or "the sense of place", as seen through the lens of Hong Kong cinema and with reference to a new book by Dr. Esther MK Cheung.

This webinar is moderated by 2021 AIA Hong Kong Programs Co-chairs Fei Mui, AIA, and Chang Su, AIA.

Featured Movies
1. Made in Hong Kong 香港制造 (1997)
2. The Longest Summer 去年煙花特別多 (1998)
3. Little Cheung 細路祥 (1999)
4. Young and Dangerous film series 古惑仔系列 (1995-2000)
5. Port of Call 踏血尋梅 (2015)
6. Weeds on Fire 點五步 (2016)
7. A Mad World 一念無明 (2016)
8. Beyond the Dream 幻愛 (2019)
9. Still Human 淪落人 (2018)
10. One Second Champion 一秒拳王 (2020)

CES: 1.5 LU/ HSW for AIA Members

Speaker Bios

Siu Heng is a veteran arts administrator and communications professional. He has worked for various educational and cultural institutions, organizing and promoting arts, cultural programmes and film festivals. Having started his own company in 2014, he has continued to serve Hong Kong’s creative sectors as an experienced editor and translator, and has recently translated a book on Hong Kong cinema study.

Siu Heng holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature and Translation, and an M.A. in Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of Hong Kong, and has been a member of the Hong Kong Film Critics Society since 2006.

Alfred Ho is a Hong Kong architect and urban researcher who graduated from the University of Hong Kong and subsequently obtained his Master’s Degree in Architecture from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. He has written on topics as varied as Hong Kong consumer culture and consumption, housing, conservation, and urban development. Alfred set up Urban Studies Institute Limited as a charitable institution in late 2017 for urban research, conservation initiatives, architecture and community design in Hong Kong.

He is currently establishing the Hong Kong Property Brochure Archive as an online historical and research database for private housing in Hong Kong from the 1960s to 2010 and onwards.