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AIA Intl SE Asia 2022 Fall Symposium - Leadership by Example: The NUS Net Zero experience

AIA Intl SE Asia 2022 Fall Symposium - Leadership by Example: The NUS Net Zero experience

When: Friday 2 September 2022 @ 08:05(Eastern US Time)/ 20:05 (Singapore/ Philippines/ Malaysia time)/ 19:05 (Vietnam time)

CES: 1 LU/ HSW for AIA Members


Erik L’Heureux, PhD, FAIA, Design Director, Climate Action & Sustainability Regional Leader, Gensler

Moderator: Manon Koestoer, AIA, AIA International Country Representative - Singapore


Exploring two case studies based in Singapore, Erik will lead a learning experience that provides high-level overviews of design ideas related to operational and embodied decarbonization that creates pedagogical tools for the education of architecture students. Core and shell design decisions, interior renovation decarbonization, and system integration frame pathways to successful outcomes to achieve Net Zero targets while communicating them to the public through buildings. Specific examples include how adaptive reuse is fundamental to decarbonization while describing ways to minimize operational carbon and improve wellness through hybrid comfort systems, thermal gradients, tropical envelopes, biophilia, and others to establish leadership in built form, pointing the way for the future of architecture on the tropics.

Speaker Bios

Erik L’Heureux is a Design Director and Regional Climate Action & Sustainability Practice Area Leader at Gensler. He has practiced architecture in New York City and Southeast Asia for 22 years with expertise in designing climatically calibrated buildings that combine design excellence with energy performance.

He specializes in the design of elegantly executed architectural scaled projects including residential towers, hospitality, corporate headquarters, and higher education institutional buildings in APME.

He led the design of a series of award-winning projects including the NetZero SDE1 and SDE 3 at the National University of Singapore, the Wearnes Corporate Headquarters in Singapore, and the Shangri-La in Jeddah KSA.

In addition, Erik has lectured and published widely while educating architecture students at the National University of Singapore where he served as a Vice Dean and Master of Architecture and Undergraduate program director for many years.

Moderator: Manon Sora Koestoer is the Founder and the Principal of Spatiality Studio Pte Ltd, is a registered architect in the US (Texas) since 2004. Graduated from Texas A&M University in 1997 and an NDTV award-winning architect in 2013 for Chaithanya Smaran Project in Bangalore, India.

Focusing on laboratory, life sciences, work spaces and interior projects, Manon is an IFBA certified bio-safety professional and has over 20 years professional experience in architectural practice in United States and Singapore with project ranging from laboratories, data centre, institution, interior design, resort, master planning, high-rise, education and research.

Manon served on the American Institute of Architects International Region Board of Directors as the Director for Unassigned members in 2015-2016.