Vikki Lew



NCARB licensing advisor, AIA Shanghai

Vikki is a California-licensed architect with 17 years of experience. Her diverse portfolio encompasses tall buildings, healthcare, aviation, offices and master planning. A versatile architect, Vikki began her career at The Design Partnership in San Francisco and had worked at Foster + Partners, Atkins, and Meinhardt Façade. She is currently with Wong & Ouyang Architects in Hong Kong focusing on healthcare projects.

 Parallel to practice, Vikki was chapter secretary and Young Architects Group founding chair at AIA Hong Kong in 2015-17. Since 2018, she has been inaugural co-chair of AIA Shanghai’s design award program and NCARB licensing advisor. On national level, she has been convention speaker at A’19, international editor at AIA YAF Connection Journal 2016-2017, AIA Academy for Health Herman Miller Scholar 2005, recipient of AIA College of Fellows Emerging Professional Grant 2016, and at present, AIA Richard Upjohn Fellow.

 Vikki holds Bachelor of Architecture from University of Oregon and Master of Liberal Arts in Sustainability from Harvard.

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