Argentina - September 2020


Argentina was recently added to be a represented country on the Latin American Region.

As one of the first Goals discussed with experienced AIA members and representatives in other countries, the actions taken where in the direction of building a solid network to use a platform for expanding and building synergy with the AIA in future events, ongoing activities and schedule/plan new ones.

The main actions taken where in the direction of establishing our presence in the country by contacting and introducing the project to local professionals and those responsible of key roles in our activity as Architects, Urban planners, Educators and Government authorities and Regulatory institutions.

We contacted the City of Buenos Aires and established a fluent relationship with the Minister of Infrastructure and Urban Development, with the goal of learning and building synergy with the experience of  multiple activities and projects being executed by the local government. This include projects of all scales as :Highways, Urban Planning, Neighbourhood development initiatives, Government buildings, Green Urban infrastructure through recycling and designing Urban spaces, etc…

We contacted the CPAU (Colegio Profesional de Arquitectura y Urbanismo – local AIA) and SCA Sociedad Central de Arquitectos (Central Society of Arquitects) and discussed AIA synergy opportunities in the region. We successfully established relationships with their Authorities and started to plan future activities with them.

Local Universities and Architecture schools where contacted to discuss goals and offer the AIA synergy in any activities they could think of. In this direction, the main Schools contacted where:

UBA-FADU – University of Bs As – One of the largest architecture and Urbanism Universities in Latin America

Other renowned universities contacted where:

UP – Universidad de Palermo

UB – University of Belgrano

UM – University of Moron

UDT – University Torcuato Di Tella

Regarding the 2020 Virtual conference on Catalyzing Change Nov 17 -21, we are preparing an event regarding Urban Planning and Urban Spaces called “ Urban Distancing” in which we confirmed and invite Architect Alvaro Garcia Resta – Secretary of of Urban Development of the city of Bs As and Professor of the University of Bs As among other institutions. With a strong background in Design and Architecture as a private professional, he started working  for the City of Bs As. He’ll be sharing some of he’s vast experience in managing design teams with some of the most renowned local and International Architecture offices in executed and ongoing projects


Bs As – Argentina