Update: Global Strategic Development Task Force

Back Row (Left to Right): Sam Oboh, Thomas Vonier, Alton Chow, John Padilla, Alison Laas, Dr. Tillman Prinz, Elizabeth Chu Richter, James Wright, Derek Washam.Front Row (Left to Right): Paula Seidel, Thierry Paret, Terri Stewart.

Back Row (Left to Right): Sam Oboh, Thomas Vonier, Alton Chow, John Padilla, Alison Laas, Dr. Tillman Prinz, Elizabeth Chu Richter, James Wright, Derek Washam.

Front Row (Left to Right): Paula Seidel, Thierry Paret, Terri Stewart.

Over the past seven months the AIA has convened a working group, the Global Strategic Development Task Force (GSDTF) to develop a future facing 5-year strategy to enhance the AIA's global vision and to increase value for AIA members. The task force chaired by Thierry Paret, FAIA, is addressing concerns and recommendations to improve the International Region, international practice needs, and growing the participation and inclusion of our members who currently practice internationally, or wish to do so.

The GSDTF is focusing on improving member engagement and inclusion in all international facets of the AIA. The group will also consider alignment with AIA's Strategic Plan and Climate Action Plan. The AIA GSDTF is also reviewing how the AIA, as a whole, addresses international issues and how internal AIA stakeholders and external stakeholders align and coordinate initiatives. The recent global pandemic has also influenced the Task Force’s recommendations to the AIA’s national board.  Architecture is increasingly global with borders becoming increasingly porous; therefore, the AIA is taking these important steps to support its members who both work on international projects and for international clients within the United States. This quickly evolving strategic recommendation report will be presented to the AIA National board in the fourth quarter of this year.

I would like to thank the following task force members and AIA National Staff for their significant effort and work on this important recommendation document: 

AIA Task Force

  • Thomas Vonier, FAIA, RIBA, CPP

  • Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA

  • Alison Laas, AIA

  • John Padilla, AIA

  • James Wright, FAIA

  • Sam Oboh, FAIA, FRAIC

  • Alton Chow, AIA

AIA Staff and Consultant

  • Derek Washam

  • Paula Seidel

  • Janeen Latini.

Thierry Paret, FAIA, RIBA, MRIAI
Immediate Past President
AIA International Region

Global Strategic Development Task Force