AIA Continental Europe Update - April 2024


The AIA Continental Europe Italy Section hosted an event in Bologna, Italy on 15-16 March. 

Over a sunny weekend in March, Bologna’s historic charm and vibrant streets provided the perfect setting for an engaging mini conference hosted by the AIACE Section Italy, Section Director Sergio Danese.

The conference commenced on Friday with a presentation on Expeditionary Construction by Morgan and her NAVFAC team. Following this, we were treated to an evening walk through Bologna, led by a local historian, Nathalie Zaveroni, of Guide in Bologna, which culminated in a delightful wine and food tasting experience showcasing the best of local flavours and conversation.

The momentum continued into the next day with an architectural tour lead by Nathalie Zaveroni, offering insights into Bologna’s distinctive buildings, the famous towers, and the urban fabric. The day progressed with a leisurely lunch followed by a presentation by Laura Gomez from AECOM on sustainability practices in government projects. The weekend wound down with an excellent local wine tasting session.

The conference’s success was made possible by the dedicated efforts of Morgan Danner and her planning team, Maria Verdicchio and Francesco Sorbo of NAVFAC.  And our generous sponsoring partners: Marc Di Domenico from the Florence Institute of Design who sponsored the Sala Borsa program; and Laura Gomez from AECOM Madrid who sponsored our Saturday lunch.

For more recent news from AIA Continental Europe, see HERE.